Camper changes after a few nights out

I've had to get new T-handles for the back so I can lock it up effectively. Sadly these needed a 30mm hole, rather than the existing 20, and the edge of the glass was within this radius. I was able to make it work with a Christmas tree bit, a little force, and a file to do the last few mm. The handles can be pushed flush, making them more secure, and snagging the insect netting a little less.

 The flip up part of the bed now flips down (less strong, but more practical as I can then access food, and toilet bag easier, and do so while having stuff siting on top of the bed, with the stove on the tailgate, and the esky handy.
It also means that I can open and close the bed without opening the tailgate if need be

I've added a few hooks for bits and pieces, and found that a sunshade does a good job of extending the rain shelter offered by the back door.

I ditched one of the thermarests, it's not needed and it was too slippery.

The windows seem to leak a little, so they will need to be resealed, and it's hard to keep your head dry. There are a few drips that occur inside the back if you leave the back window open fully, but this is solved by holding it just below horizontal so the water runs off the end.


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